When you’re feeling stressed, anxious, or overwhelmed, taking a few minutes to do some breathing exercises can be helpful.
This blog post will discuss three easy breathing exercises that take just three minutes and help you feel more relaxed and calm. So give them a try the next time you need a quick break!
These exercises can be used at the beginning of a meditation (as I do) or throughout the day when you are feeling overwhelmed and stressed.
Ready? Here we go.
The first breathing exercise is called Three Part Breathing, which is excellent for beginners. In this exercise, you will focus on breathing deeply into each part of your lungs.
For this exercise, we will think of our lungs in three parts – the upper, the middle, and the lower. The upper lung is in the chest, the middle lung in our ribcage, and the lower lung in the belly.
In this exercise, you will use your thumb and ring finger to control your breathing. This exercise helps to restore emotional balance.
Repeat for three rounds (inhaling and exhaling through both nostrils three times).
This breathing exercise is called the “Four Seven Eight” breathing exercise because you breathe in for four counts, hold your breath for seven counts, and then exhale for eight counts. This breathing exercise is a great way to slow down your breathing and reduce stress.
Here’s how to do it:
Repeat three times.
The four, seven, eight breathing exercise can be done individually and is a great way to calm down during a stressful moment without anyone noticing.
These breathing exercises are easy to do and only take three minutes. Performed in succession, they will provide an immediate sense of calm.
They can be done anywhere, at any time, and don’t require special equipment. So give them a try the next time you’re feeling stressed or overwhelmed, and see how they help you to feel more calm and relaxed.
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